David has loved camping, so we decided to have a camp out in our backyard. Rebecca lasted half of the night... but the boys enjoyed camping the whole night.

Rebecca enjoyed petting the goats.
The children loved getting to see some real horses and getting to pet them. If you can see Rebecca's face, she is so excited to be next to the horses.

Clark and David picked blackberries too, but they were a little on the prickly side for David.
We had a nice time spending all together and seeing a new place, Marble Falls. We wanted to see a bit of the Hill Country of Texas. What beautiful hills. I wish days like these would last longer. (but perhaps a little cooler...)
Memorial Day for me growing up was always fun. We always seemed to live far away from family so were unable to visit graves that were our own ancestors. We would take a walk through the Salt Lake Cemetery and try to find an unmarked grave that we knew was one of our ancestors. We would also go and buy a tree and plant a tree in memory of our family that went before us. I hope to continue that tradition when we live in a place that we have control over planting things in the yard. :-) (we are renting...) Fun memories, fun traditions.
You do the funest things as a family! Congrats to David! My dad said hello! He still misses you. He still says you were his favorite renters ever!
Hi! I didn't know you guys had a blog until you left a comment on mine.
Camping looks like fun! We're planning Charlie's first camping trip(s) this summer. Should be interesting. I hope he likes it!
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