Monday, June 27, 2011

Graduation and Moving

Our family has been busy this past month and will continue to be busy the next month or so. We are having a life changing experience in that we will be done with school soon and will be moving officially into the work-force! Hooray!

We are moving to the land of oranges and alligators. We are excited for this new adventure and are thankful for the blessings of Heaven in helping us through this process. There has been so much worry as the unknown has sat heavily for a long time, and now the pieces are starting to fall quickly into place.


Karen said...

That's wonderful!! I hope all goes well in your preparations and move. Stay away from those alligators!

gaylene said...

I love when those pieces fall into place... and YAY for florida!! can't wait to see you again :)

Shauna said...

Here in the land of alligators and oranges, we will take care of you! Good luck with you move!

Maryann said...

Thank you for your kindness and support!