Friday, August 24, 2012

One Week Down!

Well, I am finding that school makes life busy in a different way than summer made our life busy. However, as things are starting to slow down because it is Friday, I finally am able to post our "first day" pictures.   We had a rough early start earlier in the week, but now we don't have to leave before the sun comes up. Yay!

As you can see, the children were a wide range of emotions the first day:

Ready to go to school!  (Rebecca with her super loose tooth that she pulled out at lunch that day)

How did this picture get in?  Oh well, David being... well... David.

I said, "Smile, I want to get a picture of you riding to school".  Nice.

Loose tooth Becca.

Waiting for the bus.  (Now we are at a different bus stop, but you get the idea)  David had no fear, he just jumped right on and went.

Rebecca being so grown and walking to class alone!  Bye, Becca!
At home I have actually been doing my own preschool stuff and involving Andrew as well.  They have fun.  It isn't anything big, but I think it is helping to gear Benjamin's mind to going to school.  We have been learning about "ME" this week.  He is also working on learning the letters of his name.

Benjamin and Andrew at home, occasionally playing together.

For the past couple of days Benjamin has been carrying all this stuff around.  I asked him what he was doing here, and he told me he was making Deviled Eggs.  (his favorite way to eat eggs)
One week down and only forty-one weeks until summer!  (but who's counting, right?)

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